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Desktop management is an all-encompassing approach to managing all the computers within an organization. Desktop management includes overseeing, monitoring, and upgrading laptops, smartphones and IoT computing devices, and desktop computers. It is one of the most critical functions of systems management, which is the blanket term for administering all the information systems components.

How Does Desktop Management Work?

Traditionally, desktop management tasks included installing and maintaining hardware and software, spam filtering and administering user permissions. However, security-related tasks have become an increasingly large part of desktop management for IT departments in recent times. As a result, an increasingly significant proportion of administrative resources have been devoted to security-related tasks, such as:

  • Patch management – the primary purpose of patches is to fix functional bugs and security flaws in the software. Another key reason to apply patches is to help maintain regulatory compliance.
  • Asset management – IT asset management (also known as ITAM) ensures an organization’s assets are accounted for, deployed, maintained, upgraded, and disposed of when the time comes.
  • Installing antivirus and antispyware software – Security software is an essential function for companies, especially those that deal with specifically regulated public data,
  • Regulating gray net applications – Network-based applications downloaded and deployed by users without sanction from the IT department. Instant messaging, video calls and peer-to-peer file sharing are greynet applications.
  • Supporting remote access for offsite team members or troubleshooting by offsite security management or help desk.

The Tools Used in Desktop Management

To successfully perform the tasks, there are various tools used in desktop management.

  • Application management focuses on governing the permitted and denied list of apps available to use by employees on their work devices.
  • Mobile device management – The lifecycle management of end-user mobile devices
  • Remote desktop management software – These functions include maintaining and auditing remote technology and ensuring correct antivirus and VPN programming installation
  • Identity and access management (IAM) monitors to ensure that access permissions for authorized users, applications, devices, and data are in place.

Importantly, desktop management solutions need a desktop management interface installed on all the relevant devices.

Desktop Management Software Benefits

Desktop management software is essential for an organization to protect data and hardware integrity. Here’s why.

  • Improved security – Desktop management and monitoring mitigates most security vulnerabilities and provides additional protection through capabilities like SSO, 2FA, and encryption.
  • Increased productivity: The automation of management system processes and the ability of dispersed teams to connect through cloud-based tools increases productivity.
  • Access control: Permission controls avoid unnecessary and unauthorized access and protect the integrity of data.
  • Cost-saving – Repetitive tasks are automated, saving time and money in the long run.

Reasons To Choose Managed Desktop Services

Managed desktop services include some features that are vital for businesses. Let’s take a look at the main ones.

Cloud Services

Most managed desktop services include cloud services too. As a result, businesses will have the option of keeping their sensitive data in remotely stored cloud-based systems.  This offers a higher security level and saves businesses money by eliminating the need for in-house servers and systems. There is also a distinct benefit of companies having access to the latest and most relevant software solutions. This facilitates higher productivity and relevance levels and saves money for businesses.

IT services

Managed desktop service providers play a huge role in reaching IT objectives like protection from hackers and malware. They can also help prepare for IT audits, improve the overall security of your IT infrastructure, and schedule regular system upgrades. Most managed desktop services also include high-quality reporting and monitoring capabilities. This will assist companies by reporting on antivirus updates, licensing notifications, CPU, RAM, and other IT issues that might cause downtime.

Ensuring Effective Governance and Compliance

Most companies already know that following every bit of compliance and governance requirements can be difficult.  Things change quickly, and there are often many compliance requirements to follow. Using a desktop management solution takes the pressure off businesses and ensures that they can be compliant, especially regarding consumer data.

Support and maintenance

Ultimately, a desktop management solution improves the performance and security of a business’s computers. This can free up IT staff to focus on the more strategic aspects of IT, which is ultimately better for company goal achievement.

Make a Conscious Choice For The Best Desktop Management

Conscious Networks provides technology solutions for businesses, including managed desktop solutions, IaaS, and many more. We’ll take the weight off your shoulders and come up with highly scalable solutions that both facilitate and allow for the growth of your business. Contact us today to find out more.


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