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Equipment and Software Acquisition

As your business grows, so does your need for new equipment and software, hardware, and cloud-based services. But before you pull the trigger on any of these items, contact Conscious Networks. Our experts can evaluate them for cost, return, and efficacy, as well as for fit with your company’s needs. Our equipment and software acquisition team can help your company ensure you are spending your money wisely. We have years of experience in our field, enabling us to make sound judgment calls on your behalf. From there, we made recommendations based on our expertise and get you on your way to efficiency and success.


What Our Team Can Acquire For You

At Conscious Networks, we evaluate the way you work through careful observation and questioning, enabling us to make the best suggestion possible for you and your team. Digging deep to fully understand your workflow, processes, and workforce enables us to make the recommendations that empower your business to tackle the changes and challenges that lie ahead. Our team can suggest:


We can help you specify the right hardware for any area of your business. Whether you require a server, a virtual private server (VPS), desktops, laptops, or terminals, you’ll have the expertise provided by Conscious Networks to help you procure the right equipment for your business. Each department and often, each user has a unique set of needs. The hardware and software needed to effectively maintain operations in marketing is far different than the equipment needed by the manufacturing team. We can help you specify the devices your team needs for productivity, cost-efficiency, and increased productivity.

Software & Cloud Systems

The software, applications, and cloud-based systems that your team uses, on a daily basis, are an integral part of your business’ profitability, productivity, and efficiency. We make recommendations, not just based on the immediate challenge, but on your overall business processes and long term initiatives. This holistic approach helps ensure that your team is as productive as possible while eliminating any redundant data manipulation, potential overpayment of licenses, and providing you the best technology options for your situation. This centralized procurement strategy also creates more collaboration across teams and reduces the level of training and support required.

Networking Solutions

Whatever is connected to your network is an integral part of your overall IT infrastructure strategy. We can help you evaluate and procure the best devices and applications for your business. Most of all, our team can virtually install most solutions so that integration is easy and your internal team can stay focused on the job at hand. We represent all major manufacturers and stay up to date on the latest technology and best practices to make the best recommendations.

The Smart Way to Buy Technology

When you need to buy new technology, we have direct access to the manufacturer’s and wholesale pricing you need. We can help you specify the right equipment for the right project. We source equipment, software, hardware, licenses, printers, laptops, and more! Best of all, we can help you install and integrate new technology into your existing systems. Our 24/7 U.S. based help-desk is always on call too.

Contact Us to Schedule a Free Consultation