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What Is Desktop as a Service (DaaS)?

Desktop As A Service (DaaS) simplifies the technology that your employees and users require every day.  How?  DaaS solutions deliver virtual apps and desktop environments from a public or private cloud  to any device.  This service can be used for provisioning Windows based virtual desktops, secure SaaS, and even legacy applications.  This allows your organization to harness the power of technology while offering some unique cost and efficiency advantages. Conscious Networks hosts the infrastructure, network resources, data, storage, and streaming services on a cost-per-user subscription basis. This service can save organizations considerable capital while reducing support costs and offering important redundancies needed for day-to-day operations.

WHY Use DaaS?

Productivity and profitability are closely intertwined.  For the most productive workforce, your organization needs to provide a stellar user experience that allows employees easy access to their work, from anywhere, on any device. With a DaaS solution, remote desktops, and desktop virtualization, you can securely delivery the apps and desktop environments they need to any device. DaaS provides more security, faster setup and delivery, consistency and redundancy. Even better – it can free up your internal IT staff to focus on their core competencies.    With a holistic approach to technology, we work with you to understand your business and advise you on the best options for your specific requirements.  We also evaluate technology options for today – with an eye for future growth opportunities.

Learn how DaaS is different from Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) below or contact us for a free assessment.


What Are the Benefits of DaaS Technology?

DaaS technology offers many benefits including:

Enhanced Security

Security risks are lower and inherently redundant since the data and resources are stored in our data center, not on a local device.

Security Updates

Security updates and new software upgrades can be pushed out to users instantaneously offering everyone immediate access to the best software versions available.

Free Up Your IT Department

With your desktops managed in the cloud, your IT staff is freed up to focus on other core competencies.  Conscious Networks takes care of security, updates, and other routine maintenance.

Scalability & Elasticity

You can scale your desktops based on the volume of users during peak demand or lower volume.  This approach also allows you to reduce costs, scale quickly, and reduce capital expenditures.  It also facilitates faster desktop deployment providing greater elasticity.

24/7 U.S. Based Support

Remote Help Desk support is easier and offers end users faster response and less downtime. Our 24/7 U.S. based support team effectively communicates with you to keep your users, your technology, and your business up and running.

Cost Savings

Since the software is cloud-based and the network is centrally located, lower-cost terminals can be used vs. purchasing traditional desktop or laptop configurations. They are often less expensive and use less power. For some environments, specifically retail and manufacturing, terminals can be a very effective way to distribute technology to multiple endpoints with lower overhead.

Faster Deployment & Decommissioning

A user’s desktop services are pre-configured to their user profile, so the employee can begin working as soon as they are hired. Just plug in the new terminal, log in, and all of the required services for their job are available. In addition, seasonal or transient workforces are easily scaled up or down with minimal effort.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) vs. DaaS

Virtual Desktops Infrastructure (VDI) is for organizations that are capable of investing in networks, storage, and infrastructure that is owned by the organization and hosted in a data center. This model is typically chosen for organizations that have a larger IT staff to handle deployment, connectivity, or help desk support.

DaaS is a similar model, but the service provider (i.e. Conscious Networks) provides all the infrastructure, set-up, and oversight. The organization only has to pay on a per-user basis, so the costs scale as the organization scales. So, DaaS, by its operational nature, has cost savings when compared to VDI.

The choice of VDI vs. DaaS should be evaluated carefully. There are viable applications for both services depending on your business needs. The daily operations of your business, the capital investments, and your IT support structure are often the primary decision factors. Conscious Networks provides support for either VDI or DaaS and can recommend the approach that is right for your situation. Contact us to schedule a consultation.

View case studies here to find out how these systems can have a positive impact on operations.

Frequently Asked Questions About Desktop as a Service (DaaS) Solutions

Desktop as a service is a rising entry in the “as-a-service” trend. While elements of it have been around since the 80s, DaaS truly came to fruition in the early 2010s. As more operating systems deploy this feature, the demand for it grows.

With DaaS, Conscious Networks hosts a large part of a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). This cloud computing offering relieves pressure from companies that may not have the manpower to host their own VDI. It can also lower infrastructure costs for small businesses.

Virtual desktops have existed for over 40 years. At its core, a virtual desktop is a method of expanding a virtual space beyond the limits of the physical screen.

These days, “virtual desktop” has an updated meaning. The term is commonly used to refer to a virtual space that can run multiple desktops at once on the same device. It is also used to describe virtual machines relying on cloud-based services.

A virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is a form of desktop virtualization technology that completely erases the need for a physical desktop. With VDI, virtual machines are used to create and manage multiple virtual desktops, usually within data centers relying on cloud services.

Most home computers don’t need a virtual desktop. The default options provided by their operating system are usually sufficient for a casual user. However, a digital workspace may require extra features and systems that a virtual machine can provide.

Being able to continue a task from a computer to a mobile device without interruption is crucial for remote work. The expanded space and easy desktop management provide a more accessible way to store enterprise data in private cloud databases. Sensitive data remains secure within cloud applications while allowing multiple users remote access through their own devices.

The answer to this question depends on what resources you have access to. If you have a large IT team and infrastructure, a VDI might be a good alternative. In this case, we recommend using a reliable cloud provider to back up and secure all your data. More information about cloud security, backup and recovery is available here.

If your IT team is small or overworked or if you need to limit spending costs, you may want to consider DaaS (Desktop as a Service.) A reliable technology partner, like Conscious Networks can recommend a service for virtual desktops. This is most commonly Microsoft, macOS, or Linux desktops. Next, find a reliable DaaS provider that supports your chosen desktop.

Yes, we utilize state-of-the-art technology providers like VMWare Horizon and Citrix-managed desktops. View a full list of our partners here. Our Desktop as a Service Solutions are connected with every major virtual desktop provider.

A typical operating system is limited by what the machine can handle. No matter what the system may offer, the features cannot be used if the machine does not have enough computing power to support them. Devices can always be upgraded or replaced to account for this. However, with bigger and better digital features being implemented each year, it is better to update the system, not the machine.

Instead of relying on the specifications of the machine, cloud-based virtual desktops rely on cloud computing. Compared to hardware, cloud computing is faster and has unlimited potential for space on a single device. This allows a user to do more at one time without overwhelming their own device.

The Azure Virtual Desktop is a Microsoft product under the Windows server. Created in 2019, it is one of the most well-known virtual desktops in the world.  But there are other great options and, since new technology is always being created, we evaluate your situation to recommend the best product for your needs.

The Azure platform is one of the biggest alternatives to Google Cloud-based virtual desktops. On the other hand, Citrix apps can run in either the Citrix cloud or Google Cloud. This makes Citrix a preferable option for Google lovers.

Citrix offers a range of complex features that allow for ultimate customization and data organization. However, Azure is better for people on a budget who need a simpler solution.

Microsoft and Citrix each come with their pros and cons for different situations. Both of these options are available with our Desktop as a Service solution.

As the DaaS market grows, more companies are becoming third-party hosts for the technology. This may give us a lot of competitors, but none can measure up to our quality. We are committed to providing the best DaaS solution for businesses of all sizes at reasonable prices.

While you may be tempted by a cheaper DaaS provider, understand that you may be risking compromised data security and inconsistent connectivity to cloud data centers. A high-quality provider prioritizes a reliable service solution without compromising security or taking shortcuts.

Other DaaS providers do not share as many partners as we do. We proudly work with every major DaaS platform because we have earned a respectable relationship with each one.

A virtual desktop relying on cloud services will require a stable internet connection to access all its features. You will also need the internet to take advantage of a Desktop as a Service provider. However, most major virtual desktops allow you to access basic apps offline. When you reconnect to the internet, any changes you made will be saved to the cloud.

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