Does Your Business Have a Conscious Cyber Strategy?
Are you struggling with how to protect your business from cyber threats? A strategic approach to cyber helps businesses create a plan to protect and defend your network, data, users, and clients. Our Conscious Cyber Strategy is holistically designed to provide you the managed services that will not only help you sleep at night, but reduce the risks and threats to your business’ most important intellectual properties. There are 9 components in our most basic approach and we are able to enhance our service offerings based on your unique needs.
What are the Risks to Businesses Without a Cyber Strategy?
Today’s businesses, of all sizes, are facing cyber threats and it is no small task to protect your business from these incidences. The following statistics help to demonstrate how critical it is for small, medium and large businesses to take proaction measures to address these threats:
- The average ransomware payout has increased dramatically from $812,380 in 2022 to $1,542,333 in 2023.
- According to Verizon, 74% of cybersecurity breaches are caused by human error.
- 42% of companies have cyber fatigue, or just don’t think they can effectively prevent a cyber attack. We can help!
- According to Forbes, the number of ransomware victims doubled from March 2022 to March 2023.
- User devices, such as tablets, phones, and laptops are one of the biggest threats. Endpoint security is a very effective way to protect your business from these threats.
Our holistic approach to technology includes a free technology assessment to evaluate your existing operations and infrastructure and make recommendations on areas for immediate implementation along with future initiatives.
What is included in a Conscious Cyber Strategy?
As the chart below shows, there are 9 basic elements that can be incorporated into a basic cyber prevention strategy. At Conscious Networks, we provide these services as part of a Managed Service structure so that you have a turn-key solution, even at a basic entry level. Many small to medium sized businesses find this approach both affordable and comprehensive. Best of all, this approach can be expanded upon now or in the future, as your needs or budget change.
Free Guide to Cyber
For more information on our Conscious Cyber Strategy, down the Free Guide to Cyber Security & Cyber Insurance. Better yet, schedule a conversation today!
Download Your Free Guide to Cyber Security & Cyber Insurance